
When In Bavaria, Drink Like a Bavarian!

I am traveling this week in Bulgaria with Mili, so before I got to BG, I planned a long layover in Munich to visit the charming Bavarian city. I was impressed with how much ground I covered! Here are some comments accompanying these photos:

1. When in Bavaria, drink like a Bavarian!
2. Sweet mustard is the shit.
3. I visited a German museum only to see American works in more than half of the museum. Renewed my appreciation for American artists like Richard Avedon.
4. Roombas can do much more than just clean.
5. My dream is to own a Naguchi table one day.
6. Love the Viktualienmarkt!
7. German architecture is exactly what it looks like in the movies.

Looking forward to seeing Bulgaria and Mili’s backyard!