George Howell Coffee, Guatemala Test 1

Coffee Details

Roaster: George Howell Coffee
Name: La Soledad
Region: Acatenango
Elevation: 4900 - 5400 ft
Process: Washed
Varietal: Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon, Typica
Flavor Notes: Honey, pear, mandarin orange
Roast date: 7/18/17

Brewing Details

Method: Chemex
Coffee: 15g
Ratio: 1:16
Water temp: 95º C
Grind size: 19 via Encore
Bloom time: 0:50
Total brew time: 2:16


Found this coffee lying around, so decided to give it a shot. Dry had hints of lemongrass and caramel, but paper came through both in dry and wet. Medium body typical of many washed, some brightness, but tasted flat. I'm going to up the dose and try a 1:15 ratio to see if I can boost the flavor. And I'll experiment with water temp after if that doesn't work.