A new farm-to-office lunch service is now available for delivery in the Boston area! I got the chance to try it, and here were my thoughts.
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Fresh Tomato Basil Soup
Tomato basil soup @ The Veranda in Rancho Bernardo Inn, CA
Spending the week in sunny San Diego.
A Must Eat: New York Pastrami
Pastrami Sandwich @ Katz’s Delicatessen in New York City
It was a like a bite of heaven in my mouth.
Lobster Dinner Plate @ The Lobster Shack at Two Lights in Cape Elizabeth, ME
*If you ever get a chance to go to Maine, lobster is a MUST-EAT. The Lobster Shack had amazing food, and the most amazing oceanside view including a lighthouse in the distance.
I planned out my schedule this semester so that I would be able to cook more because it’s nice to eat home-cooked meals. Made a simple soft tofu stir-fry with mushrooms and cilantro. The great thing about mushrooms is that you do not always need to add sauce because it lets out a delicious juice that flavors your other ingredients.