Gracenote Coffee Roasters, Columbia Test 1

Coffee Details

Roaster: Gracenote Coffee Roasters
Name: Columbia Consaca
Region: Narino
Elevation: 1750 - 2100m
Process: Washed, sun dried
Varietal: Castillo, Caturra... ("regional")
Flavor Notes: Apple pie, chocolate, kola nut
Roast date: 8/2/17

Brewing Details

Method: Chemex
Coffee: 15g
Yield: 240ml (1:16)
Water temp: 96º C
Grind size: 19 via Encore
Bloom time: 0:50
Total brew time: 2:15


I think I forgot to do a dry assessment, haha. I get the chocolate, even a bit sharp kiwi, bit mellow for a Columbian. Going to try a different dose or adjusting the grind to get more out of it. There is a decent amount of clarity in this cup and quite sweet, but not drop, dead, delicious. More testing required.