things to do

Broadway Market in Hackney

London has such an amazing and vibrant market scene. I really wish I could take it home with me! Before leaving, I had one last big food market to see - Broadway Market. Located near London Fields and extended into the London Fields School Yard, the market has an array of different cuisines, knickknacks, produce, and people from all over the world! The market is open every Saturday from 9AM to 5PM with over 80 stalls and 50 shops along the street.

It has become my favorite market actually. Borough has a huge selection of artisan bakers, wine sellers,and cheese vendors, but Broadway has a greater variety of hot foods to eat on the spot. Who wants to wait? Not me. And, it has this charm like a local Farmer’s market that has not been spoiled yet by swarms of tourists. Moreover, it was my first exposure to Ghanaian food!

If you’re looking for something to do on a Saturday in London, definitely check out the Broadway Market!